Wow here we are August! As I reflect on our year of trying to adopt I am still in shock that we are sitting here without a baby girl. It is hard and yet feels like it has gone by so fast. In August of 08 Scott and I were sitting in our den watching tv, having one of our heart to heart late night talks. We started to talk about more children, knowing that I couldnt carry anymore children we decided to start the adoption process. We always said we would adopt if we were able to so we started. I started researching and setting things up the very next day. I knew that we had awhile until our homestudy would be approved but I worked very hard spending that time collecting the needed material and researching agencies. We were aproved in November. I truly from the depths of my heart thought that we would have our baby before summer. And here we are. I have learned a great deal about adoption over the past year. Looking back I really had no idea what it was about, how much it cost, the rollercoaster ride we would be taking, or the long wait. After a year of waiting I am just as excited as I was then. I cant wait to hold her and kiss her. I will probably never put her down! So many people have told me that when you finally get your child the long wait and heart break you experienced is so worth it. I believe that.
In my mind I think we will have our baby by this time next year, but what if we dont? This time last year I thought we would. That is very hard to wrap my mind around. I must stay optimistic and know that god has a plan for us. We have been able to touch many people with our adoption journey and that gives me great peace.
So here we go embarking on another year........
FF: Chili & Cornbread
7 years ago
Right there with you :) I hope this time next year, we both have our babies.