Our princess is now 2 months old! Can you believe it! I cant! She is growing fast and doing so well. We went in last Thursday for her doc appt and she weighed in at 8 lbs 12oz. The doctor looked at her and said, "So this is what you would have probably weighed at birth!" The doctor was so happy that she had gained as much as she had. She is holding her head up more and more everyday. I try to make sure we do tummy time at least twice a day. For a preemie that is so important. She is so laid back and just watches everyone! She loves to focus on your face and she loves when the boys come over and talk to her. She still sleeps a lot but heck she is really only suppsed to be about a week and a half old! She will hold on to her passie, which she loves!
We just love her so much and cant get enough of her!
** UPDATE** You will see my previous post on the birth mom from July. I talked to her a lot as she got closer to the day she was planning to sign. We texted tons back and forth. Eventhough I couldnt hear her voice I sensed her nervousness. I talked her through a lot of her pain that day and hopefully made her feel at peace with her decision. She texted me the next day letting me know that she had signed TPR and Baby K went to a family that night. She didnt want to meet the family, she told me that it would be too hard since she got too emotional attached to us. I can understand that. I have tried to contact her since this talk but she has not answered. I remember the last time she was about to sign with us and her grandmother turned off her cell phone so I have a feeling the same thing happened this time. I pray for her often and hope that she is doing well and so if Baby K.
FF: Chili & Cornbread
7 years ago